Pseudo-encephalopathy and crescendo cerebellar fits in a patient with a single breast cancer metastasis in the posterior fossa
Aprile-Giugno 2024, Vol. 1, N. 2
Riv Neurol 2024;1(2):105-106
doi 10.1727/4286.42681
Canavero I, Ravaglia S, Postorino P, Coloberti E, Terzaghi M, Micalizzi E, Toscano G, Rognone E, Luzzi S, Micieli G. Pseudo-encephalopathy and crescendo cerebellar fits in a patient with a single breast cancer metastasis in the posterior fossa. Riv Neurol 2024;1(2):105-106. doi 10.1727/4286.42681